Rabu, 08 September 2010

Basic Japanese

particle de

particle de ,  is use to tell place, or when we want to show the place that something done, we can use formula

Place + de + Verb / sentence


東京で 働いています。
tokyo de hataraite imasu.
(I) working in tokyo

家で ご飯を 食べます。
ie de gohan wo tabemasu.
(I) eat meal in home.

アパトで ご飯を 作ります。
apato de gohan wo tsukurimasu
(I) make meal in apartment.

大阪で 日本語を 勉強します。
Osaka de nihongo wo benkyoushimasu.
(I) learn japanese in Osaka.

コンビニ で コーヒを買います。
combini de kohi wo kaimasu.
(I) buy coffe in convenient store

秋葉原で パソコンを 売ります。
akihabara de pasokon wo urimasu.
(I) sell notebook in akihabara.

after you see the pattern, be careful for this sentence
tokyo ni imasu
i'm in tokyo

Japanese Question Phrase

Question phrase is important, becouse if we can use question very well, maybe we should not open a conversation, below are list of sample question with phrase.

1. Who ... (だれ。。)dare ...
2. when .... (いつ。。)itsu ...
3. Where ... (どこ。。)doko ...
where to ... (どこで。。するか)dokode ... suruka
4. Which ... (どちら。。)dochira
5. What.. (何。。)nani
6. Whether .. (。。するかどうか)... surukadouka.
7. How .. (どのように。。)donoyouni ...

Ok, which those seven basic question, let's make some sentence.
1. who
-who is he ? /彼はだれ。/kare wa dare?
-who is stand near televise ? /テレービの近くに立って人はだれ。/terebi no chikakuni tatte hito wa dare?

2. When
-when you go to japan? /いつ日本へ行きますか。/itsu nihon e ikimasuka?
-When you finish this work? / いつまでこの仕事終わる出来ますか。/itsu made kono shigoto owaru dekimasuka?

3. Where
-Where you buy those book? / この本どこで買いますか。/kono hon doko de kaimasuka?
-Where did you meet your girl friend? / 彼女とどこで 会いましたか。/kanajyo to doko de aimasitaka?

4. Which
-from both this camera, which one is good?/ 二つカメラようにどちらが良いのか。/futatsu kamera youni dochira ga yoinoka?
-Which one is difficult?/どちらが 難しいですか。/dochira ga muzukashi desuka?

5. What
-what is it ? /これは何。/korewa nani?
-What will you doing? / あなたは 何かするのか/ anata wa nanika surunoka?

6. Whether
-I don't understand whether she like or not./彼女は好きかどうか分かりません。/kanojyo wa tsuki ka douka wakarimasen.

-How to make chocolate? / どのようにチョコレトを作りますか。/donoyouni chokoreto wo tsukurimasuka?

Greetings and Daily Expressions

Ohayou gozaimasu.  おはようございます - (Good Morning)
Konnichiwa.  こんにちは。- (Hello/Good afternoon.)
Konbanwa.  こんばんは。- (Good evening.)
Oyasuminasai.  おやすみなさい。- (Good night.)
Unlike English, it is mostly used before going to bed, but you can say it when your friend live to go home after party for example.
Itte kimasu いって 来ます ー'll be back when leaving (and planning to return)
Itte rasshai いって らっしゃい -Good bye )go and return -the reply to "ittekimasu", said to the person leaving
Tadaima ただいま (I'm back )ー by the person returning home
Okaeri nasai おあ帰りなさい -(Welcome home ) the reply to "tadaima", to the person returning
Okaeri お帰り - same as okaerinasai, but this non formal use.
Ogenki desu ka - お元気ですか - (are you well / how are you)
Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu どうも ありがとう ございます。- (Thank you very much)
Doo itashimashite どう いたしまして - (you are welcome ) to reply arigatou
jya mata ne - じゃ またね - (see you)- non formal use
mata ashita - また 明日 - (see you tomorrow) - formal use

note :
People do not say "sayonara(さよなら)" when leaving their own home. "Ittekimasu(いってきます)" is normally used. The response to "Ittekimasu(いってきます)" is "Itterasshai(いってらっしゃい)". "Dewa mata(ではまた)or jya mata(じゃ また)" is also often used as "see you later", similar to the English expression.

Introduce your self (shokai)

Watashiwa Yamada desu
we should establish who you are. this chapter you will learn introducing your self in easy way but still polite, If you want to say "I am yamada." You would say: Watashi wa yamada desu. Watashi means 'I.' Wa is a particle which marks the subject of a sentence. It roughly means 'as for' so, the sentence translates to "As for me, I'm yamada." You can also just say "yamada desu." which just means 'I am yamada.' Men and boys can also use the form "Boku wa .... desu." Boku also means I, but is used by males only.The word 'you' in Japanese is anata, but be careful not to use it unless you're very familiar with someone as it is slightly personal. It's better to just use the person's name when referring to them.
using desu is polite when we talk to other people especially when we don't know more slightly personal, or when we talking to respect higher position people like our boss.

わたしは やまだ です。
Watashi wa yamada desu.
My name is yamada.

わたしは けんしゅせい です。
Watashi wa kensyusei desu.
I'm a student.

わたしは にほんじんです。
Watashi wa nihon jin desu.
I'm Japanese people.

せんもん は はんばい です。
Senmon wa hambai desu.
my profession is marketing

ロベト です。
robert desu.
I am robert

ぼく は ロベト です。
Boku wa robert desu.
I am robert


Tanaka :
はじめまして。 わたしは 田中 です,どぞ よろしく おねがいします。
Hajimemasite, watashi wa tanaka desu.Dozo yorosiku, onegaishimasu.
How do you do, I am tanaka, Nice to meet you

Yamada :
わたしは やまだ です,どぞ よろしく。
Watashi wa yamada desu.Dozo yorosiku.
I ma Yamada, Nice to meet you too.
ええと。。あなたの くには  タイ ですか、 日本 ですか。
Eeto…, anatano kuni wa tai desuka, nihon desu ka.
mmmmm, your country is Tai or Japan ?

Tanaka :
日本 です、すみません。あの ひとは だれ ですか?
Nihon desu, Sumimasen, ano hito wa dare desuka?
My country is japan, excuse me, who is he ?

robert san desu.
he is robert.

かいしゃは どちら ですか。
Kaisya wa dochira desuka.
Where is he working ?

Yamada DELL です。
DELL desu
at Dell

なんの かししゃdすか?
nanno kaisya desu ka.
What kind of Company ?

コンピュター の かししゃ です。
Kompyuta no kaisya desu.
Computer Company 

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